MY Booker Prize Shortlist
I HAVE YET TO READ all the books on the longlist. However, if I have to choose six or seven novels based on those I have already read and the excerpts of those I have yet to read, here, for what it is worth, is my shortlist:

2. The Reluctant Fundamentalist (Hamish Hamilton, 2007) / Mohsin Hamid
3. Mister Pip (John Murray, 2007) / Lloyd Jones
4. On Chesil Beach (Jonathan Cape, 2007) / Ian McEwan
5. Consolation (William Heinemann, 2007) / Michael Redhill
6. Animal’s People (Simon & Schuster, 2007) / Indra Sinha
7. The Gift of Rain (Myrmidon, 2007) / Tan Twan Eng
The official 2007 shortlist will be announced on Thursday, September 6, 2007. The winner will be announced on Tuesday, October 16, 2007, in London.

there's one thing i'm very certain. I won't bet on chesil beach to win. man booker is trying to be nughty again this year and i'm sure they will award somebody obscure again.
Yes - I must agree with you on that. On Chesil Beach, though well done, is not exactly Ian McEwan's best effort. Should be interesting to see who gets on to the shortlist next month.
Dare I say this: Tan Twan Eng will be the first Malaysian Booker Prize for Fiction winner. There, I have said it.
how many can we read before the longlist is announced? i'm giving it my best shot but i am very slow.
don't think mcewan will win. i love the book but it is more an extended short story than a fully fitted out novel. actually it began as a short story ... but he may well reach the shortlist.
i don't like to make judgments before i've read and digested
Sharon - I know what you mean. There are only so many books we can read before the shortlist is announced. You just never know with the Booker Prize. Sometimes they like to shock you. It wouldn't surprise me if they leave McEwan out of the shortlist for one reason or another!
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