What I Found at ... MPH Mid Valley, Kuala Lumpur

1. Disobedience (2006) / Naomi Alderman
2. Anthills of the Savannah (1987) / Chinua Achebe
3. Things Fall Apart (1958) / Chinua Achebe
4. Oryx and Crake (2003) / Margaret Atwood
5. Moral Disorder and Other Stories (2006) / Margaret Atwood
6. Brothers (2006) / Da Chen
7. Ancestor Stones (2006) / Aminatta Forna
8. The Idea of Perfection (2000) / Kate Grenville
9. Gallatin Canyon (2006) / Thomas McGuane
10. Rules for Old Men Waiting (2005) / Peter Pouncey
11. Larry’s Party (1997) / Carol Shields

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