REMEMBER NEVIL SHUTE? Yes, he is the famous British-born Australian novelist who gave us
A Town Like Alice and other classic works. The great news is, his novels are being reprinted with beautiful covers by Vintage, starting with the four best-known titles:
A Town Like Alice,
Requiem for a Wren,
Pied Piper and
On the Beach. These were some of the books I remember seeing on my father’s bookshelves in the 196os. The only Nevil Shute book I read was
A Town Like Alice. The best of the rest I will have to discover soon. His body of work includes 24 novels and an autobiography,
Slide Rule.
Great to see Shute's works being republished - "A Town Like Alice" was great and has a moving last paragraph, but the covers of the new editions are very bland!
- Poppadumdum
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