December 2009 Highlights
DECEMBER has always been a fallow month for new books.

1. Summertime (Penguin USA, 2009) / J.M. Coetzee
2. Too Much Money (Crown, 2009) / Dominic Dunne
3. Cold Snap (Arcadia, 2009) / Francis King
4. Becoming Jane Eyre (Penguin USA, 2009) / Sheila Kohler
5. The Museum of Innocence [trans. from the Turkish, Masumiyet Müzesi (2008), by Maureen Freely] (Faber & Faber, 2009) / Orhan Pamuk
6. The Anarchist (Three Rivers Press, 2009) / John Smolens
1. Then Came the Evening (Bloomsbury USA, 2009) / Brian Hart
2. The Darkening (Sphere, 2009) / Stephen M. Irwin
1. The Blue Horse (Narrative Library, 2009) / Rick Bass
1. Best European Fiction 2010 (Dalkey Archive, 2009) / Aleksandar Hemon (ed.)

1. Planisphere (Ecco, 2009) / John Ashbery
2. How to Pour Madness into a Teacup (Cinnamon Press, 2009) / Abegail Morley
1. Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea (Random House, 2009) / Barbara Demick
2. In His Own Words: Selected Letters and Diaries (ed. Lavinia Greacen) (Cork University Press, 2009) / J.G. Farrell
3. Talking About Detective Fiction (Alfred A. Knopf, 2009) / P.D. James
4. Happy: A Memoir (Simon & Schuster, 2009) / Alex Lemon
5. Literary Life: A Second Memoir (Simon & Schuster, 2009) / Larry McMurtry
6. Bernard MacLaverty (Bucknell University Press, 2009) / Richard Rankin Russell
7. Koestler: The Literary and Political Odyssey of a Twentieth-Century Skeptic (Random House, 2009) / Michael Scammell
8. The Talented Miss Highsmith: The Secret Life and Serious Art of Patricia Highsmith (St. Martin’s Press, 2009) / Joan Schenkar
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