What I Found at ... Kinokuniya KLCC

1. Goodbye Lucille (2007) / Segun Afolabi
2. Palace Walk (1956) / Naguib Mahfouz
3. Palace of Desire (1957) / Naguib Mahfouz
4. Sugar Street (1957) / Naguib Mahfouz
5. Out Stealing Horses (trans. from the Norwegian by Anne Born) (2006) / Per Petterson
6. In the Wake (trans. from the Norwegian by Anne Born) (2003) / Per Petterson
7. To Siberia (trans. from the Norwegian by Anne Born) (1998) / Per Petterson
8. Shame (1983) / Salman Rushdie

1. A Life Elsewhere (2006) / Segun Afolabi
2. The Separate Heart and Other Stories (2007) / Simon Robson
3. East, West (1994) / Salman Rushdie

1. A Song Flung Up to Heaven (2002) / Maya Angelou
2. This House of Sky: Landscapes of a Western Mind (1978) / Ivan Doig
3. Step Across This Line: Collected Nonfiction 1992-2002 (2002) / Salman Rushdie
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