MPH Breakfast Club for LitBloggers 5
After two days of shameless pawing at God’s feet, I got a call from the finance secretary of an agency I had worked in some months back. It was to tell me that I still hadn’t collected my pay cheques for the two months I had spent there. I thanked her. I thanked God. Then I looked at the National Geographic map on my wall, closed my eyes and spat my chewing gum at it. ... It landed on Myanmar. ... A few days later, following the destiny decreed by my gum, my backpack and I landed in Yangon.
On India:
Everything was so extreme. Only God knows why in India, there is no such thing as medium, or ‘just nice’. On a scale of one to ten, all the numbers from two to nine seem to be missing. In winter, the water is so freakin’ cold your ... get numb just looking at the bucket. I often dry shampooed myself to cut down initial contact with water. Then without thinking about it, I got on with the rinsing and had no recollection of it afterwards. Thank goodness for self-preservation mechanisms. ... In the summer, you have to leave the bucket of water aside for half an hour to cool it down. And while you wait, you might as well chuck a couple of eggs in there to cook for your breakfast.
Date June 23, 2007 (Saturday)
Time 11.00a.m.-12.30p.m.
Venue MPH Bangsar Village II, Lot 2F-1 (2nd Floor), Bangsar Village II, No. 2, Jalan Telawi 1, Bangsar Baru, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 603-2287 3600
Food and refreshments will be served
All lovers of literature are most welcome
Zhang Su Li sounds interesting. I like what I read from the excerpts. Pity I am not in Malaysia to follow up on events like this.
Zhang Su Li is brilliant. She reads rather well; her mimicry of accents is spot-on. Her prose is subtle and elegant. Her stories are descriptive and engaging. I wish more people turn up for her reading. They don't know what they are missing. More of Su Li, please!
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