Rediscovering the novels and stories of Patricia Highsmith
HIGHSMITH Patricia [1921-1995] Crime novelist. Born Mary Patricia Plangman in Fort Worth, Texas, U.S. NOVELS Small g: A Summer Idyll (1995); Carol (1990); Found in the Street (1986); People Who Knock on the Door (1983); Edith’s Diary (1977); A Dog’s Ransom (1972); The Tremor of Forgery (1969); Those Who Walk Away (1967); A Suspension of Mercy (published as The Story-Teller in the U.S.) (1965); The Glass Cell (1964); The Two Faces of January (1964: winner of the 1965 Silver Dagger Award); The Cry of the Owl (1962); This Sweet Sickness (1960); A Game for the Living (1958); Deep Water (1957); The Blunderer (1954); Strangers on a Train (1950) THE TOM RIPLEY SERIES Ripley Under Water (1991); The Boy Who Followed Ripley (1980); Ripley’s Game (1974); Ripley Underground (1970); The Talented Mr Ripley (1955: winner of the 1956 Edgar Award) WRITTEN UNDER THE NAME CLARE MORGAN The Price of Salt (1952: republished as Carol in 1990) STORIES Nothing That Meets the Eye: The Uncollected Stories of Patricia Highsmith (2002); The Selected Stories of Patricia Highsmith (2001); Tales of Natural and Unnatural Catastrophes (1987); Mermaids on the Golf Course (1985); The Black House (1981); Slowly, Slowly in the Wind (1979); The Animal-Lover’s Book of Beastly Murder (1975); Little Tales of Misogyny (1974); Eleven (published as The Snail-Watcher and Other Stories in the U.S.) (1970) NONFICTION Plotting and Writing Suspense Fiction (1966) CHILDREN’S Miranda the Panda is on the Veranda (with Doris Sanders) (1958)
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