IT IS A WONDER how a few choice words pieced together in the right order or sequence could transport one to another place and time. Some good books do this.
Stop-Time (1967) / Frank Conroy
The classic memoir of growing up troubled and lonely by the late novelist and short-story writer Frank Conroy (1936-2005), the author of Body and Soul (1993), a collection of stories, Midair (1985), a novel, and the collection of essays, Dogs Bark, But the Caravan Rolls On: Observations Then and Now (2002).
The Society of Others (2004) / William Nicholson
An intelligent quest for the meaning of life and an exploration of the human condition. Thought-provoking, metaphoric, profound, philosophical, multi-layered and intriguing are just some of the adjectives I can think of to describe this novel. There’s much to admire here, and a lot to learn. Nicholson's new novel, The Trial of True Love (2005), should be worth exploring, too.

CONROY Frank [1936-2005] memoirist, novelist, short-story writer. Born in New York, New York, U.S. NOVEL Body and Soul (1993) STORIES Midair (1985) ESSAYS Dogs Bark, But the Caravan Rolls On: Observations Then and Now (2002) MEMOIR Stop-Time (1967) TRAVEL Time and Tide: A Walk Through Nantucket (2004)
NICHOLSON William [1948-] Novelist. Born in England, U.K. NOVELS The Trial of True Love (2005); The Society of Others (2004) JUVENILE The Wind on Fire trilogy: Firesong (2002); Slaves of the Mastery (2001); The Wind Singer (2000)
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