An Appreciation: John McGAHERN 1934-2006
NOVELIST and short-story writer John McGahern, arguably one of Ireland’s finest living storytellers, has died after a long battle with cancer in Dublin, Ireland. If you haven’t read any of McGahern’s novels or short stories before, his most recent and last work, Memoir (2005), is a good place to start. His works merit a wider readership than they have so far enjoyed. We will miss John McGahern, one of the world’s great writers.
McGAHERN John [1934-2006] Novelist, short-story writer, memoirist, playwright. Born in County Leitrim, Ireland. NOVELS That They May Face the Rising Sun (2001: published in the U.S. as By the Lake in 2002); Amongst Women (1990: winner of the Irish Times Literary Award; shortlisted for the 1990 Booker Prize for Fiction); The Pornographer (1979); The Leavetaking (1974; rev. 1984); The Dark (1965); The Barracks (1963: winner of the 1962 A.E. Memorial Award and the 1964 Arts Council Macauley Fellowship) STORIES Creatures of the Earth: New and Selected Stories (2006); The Collected Stories (1992); High Ground (1985); Getting Through (1978); Nightlines (1970) PLAYS The Power of Darkness (1991); The Rockingham Shoot (1987); Swallows (1975); Sinclair (1971) MEMOIR Memoir (published in the U.S. as All Will Be Well: A Memoir in 2006) (2005)
Novels: The Barracks (1963); Amongst Women (1990); That They May Face the Rising Sun (2001: published in the U.S. as By the Lake in 2002)
Stories: The Collected Stories (1992)
Memoir: Memoir (2005)
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