Waterstone's 30 Gems to be Rediscovered
BOOKSTORES are only now realising that there’s money to be made from old titles as long as they are promoted properly. The fact is, there’s always money to be made from the backlist. It’s time to bring out those great books languishing on the shelves at the back of the store and put them where they belong.
Revenge of the Lawn: Stories, 1962-1970 / Richard Brautigan
Dry Bones / Richard Beard
Wooden Sea / Jonathan Carroll
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love / Raymond Carver
Trip to the Stars / Nicholas Christopher
The Dark Is Rising Sequence / Susan Cooper
The Deptford Trilogy / Robertson Davies
Ella Minnow Pea / Mark Dunn
Don’t Look Back / Karin Fossum
Mirror Lake / Thomas Christopher Greene
Hunger / Knut Hamsun
Ridley Walker / Russell Hoban
Blackbird House / Alice Hoffman
Too Loud a Solitude / Bohumil Hrabal
Christie Malry’s Own Double-Entry / B.S. Johnson
Death and the Penguin / Andrey Kurkov
The Pursuit of Alice Thrift / Elinor Lipman
Daughter of the Forest / Juliet Marillier
Perdido Street Station / China Mieville
Drama City / George Pelecanos
Woman on the Edge of Time / Marge Piercy
The Radetzky March / Joseph Roth
Empire Falls / Richard Russo
Double / José Saramago
Journey By Moonlight / Antal Szerb
The Stone Carvers / Jane Urquhart
Slaughterhouse 5 / Kurt Vonnegut
Revolutionary Road / Richard Yates
Mists of Avalon / Marion Zimmer Bradley

Have you ever read Jonathan Carroll's daily blog on his website? It is astonishing.
Brent Bergman
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